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We take good care of you, but only whenever you need it.

It seems like a cop-out but we actually think that you should do the hospitality, and our place is to help you do it.

It’s just a case of letting us know how and when to get involved. We generally cook, clean and support, albeit ever so discreetly.

The food is simple and fresh, mostly very local and generally very organic, coming, whenever possible, from the beach out front and the garden out back. Whilst we think that it doesn’t get better than fresh seafood, it can when needs must. If those are your needs, then we needs to know first, but we generally can do it.

The drinks are varied and chilled, of a fine quality but not of a premium, but then if that’s what you want, then we can do that too. The house comes with a chef/manager, housekeeping, gardener and watchmen, but if you need a driver, a local dada (‘nanny’), a masseuse, a boatman, a guide, a yoga teacher, a small jazz band etc, then these are close enough by for when you need them.

We live here, have been doing this here for a long time, and reckon that for those who get what we’re doing, we do it very well.

It ain't what you do....

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